Sfoglia per Fisica
On the geometry of higher-spin gauge fields (TOPCITE: 144 citazioni su SPIRES HEP)
2003 Francia, Dario; Sagnotti, Augusto
On the minimum mass of reionization sources
2008 Choudhury, T. ROY; Ferrara, Andrea; Gallerani, S.
On the nature and physical conditions of the luminous Ly α emitter CR7 and its rest-frame UV components
2019 Sobral, D.; Matthee, J.; Brammer, G.; Ferrara, A.; Alegre, L.; Rottgering, H.; Schaerer, D.; Mobasher, B.; Darvish, B.
On the relation between local and geometric Lagrangians for higher spins
2010 Francia, Dario
On the size of HII regions around high-redshift quasars
2007 Maselli, A; Ferrara, Andrea; Choudhury, T. R.
On the stunning abundance of super-early, luminous galaxies revealed by JWST
2023 Ferrara, Andrea; Pallottini, Andrea; Dayal, Pratika
On the Systematics of Open-String Theories (TOPCITE: 440 citazioni su INSPIRE HEP)
1990 Bianchi, M; Sagnotti, Augusto
On the validity of the effective field theory approach to SM precision tests
2016 Contino, Roberto; Falkowski, Adam; Goertz, Florian; Grojean, Christophe; Riva, Francesco
On warped string vacuum profiles and cosmologies. Part I. Supersymmetric strings
2021 Mourad, J.; Sagnotti, A.
On warped string vacuum profiles and cosmologies. Part II. Non-supersymmetric strings
2021 Mourad, J.; Sagnotti, A.
On-Chip Fast Data Sparsification for a Monolithic 4096-Pixel Device
2009 Gabrielli, A; Batignani, G; Bettarini, S; Bosi, F; Calderini, G; Cenci, R; Dell'Orso, M; Forti, F; Giannetti, P; Giorgi, Ma; Lusiani, Alberto; Marchiori, G; Morsani, F; Neri, N; Paoloni, E; Rizzo, G; Walsh, J; Andreoli, C; Gaioni, L; Pozzati, E; Ratti, L; Speziali, V; Manghisoni, M; Re, V; Traversi, G; Bomben, M; Bosisio, L; Giacomini, G; Lanceri, L; Rachevskaia, I; Vitale, L; Betta, Gfd; Soncini, G; Fontana, G; Pancheri, L; Verzellesi, G; Gamba, D; Giraudo, G; Mereu, P; Di Sipio, R; Bruschi, M; Giacobbe, B; Giorgi, F; Semprini, N; Sbarra, C; Spighi, R; Valentinetti, S; Villa, M; Zoccoli, A.
One dimensional semiconductor nanostructures: An effective active-material for terahertz detection
2015 Vitiello, MIRIAM SERENA; Viti, Leonardo; Coquillat, Dominique; Knap, Wojciech; Ercolani, Daniele; Sorba, Lucia
One or more Higgs bosons?
2013 Buttazzo, Dario; Sala, Filippo; Kannike, Kristjan; Tesi, Andrea; Barbieri, Riccardo
One-Dimensional Liquid ^4He: Dynamical Properties beyond Luttinger-Liquid Theory
2016 Bertaina, G; Motta, M; Rossi, Maurizio; Vitali, E; Galli, D. E.
One-dimensional repulsive Fermi gas in a tunable periodic potential
2017 Pilati, Sebastiano; Barbiero, Luca; Fazio, Rosario; Dell'Anna, Luca
One-dimensional swimmers in viscous fluids: dynamics, controllability, and existence of optimal controls
2015 Dal Maso, Gianni; De Simone, Antonio; Morandotti, Marco
One-loop effects from spin-1 resonances in Composite Higgs models
2015 Contino, Roberto; Salvarezza, Matteo
One-mode Bosonic Gaussian channels: a full weak degradability classification
2006 Caruso, F; Giovannetti, Vittorio; Holevo, A. S.
The One-Mode Quantum-Limited Gaussian Attenuator and Amplifier Have GaussianMaximizers
2018 De Palma, Giacomo; Trevisan, Dario; Giovannetti, Vittorio
One-prong tau decays with kaons
1999 Barate, R; Decamp, D; Ghez, P; Goy, C; Lees, Jp; Merle, E; Minard, Mn; Pietrzyk, B; Alemany, R; Casado, Mp; Chmeissani, M; Crespo, Jm; Fernandez, E; Fernandez Bosman, M; Garrido, L; Grauges, E; Juste, A; Martinez, M; Merino, G; Miquel, R; Mir, Lm; Pacheco, A; Park, Ic; Riu, I; Colaleo, A; Creanza, D; de Palma, M; Gelao, G; Iaselli, G; Maggi, G; Maggi, M; Nuzzo, S; Ranieri, A; Raso, G; Ruggieri, F; Selvaggi, G; Silvestris, L; Tempesta, P; Tricomi, A; Zito, G; Huang, X; Lin, J; Ouyang, Q; Wang, T; Xie, Y; Xu, R; Xue, S; Zhang, J; Zhang, L; Zhao, W; Abbaneo, D; Becker, U; Boix, G; Cattaneo, M; Ciulli, V; Dissertori, G; Drevermann, H; Forty, Rw; Frank, M; Halley, Aw; Hansen, Jb; Harvey, J; Janot, P; Jost, B; Lehraus, I; Leroy, O; Mato, P; Minten, A; Moutoussi, A; Ranjard, F; Rolandi, L; Rousseau, D; Schlatter, D; Schmitt, M; Schneider, O; Tejessy, W; Teubert, F; Tomalin, Ir; Tournefier, E; Wright, Ae; Ajaltouni, Z; Badaud, F; Chazelle, G; Deschamps, O; Falvard, A; Ferdi, C; Gay, P; Guicheney, C; Henrard, P; Jousset, J; Michel, B; Monteil, S; Montret, Jc; Pallin, D; Perret, P; Podlyski, F; Hansen, Jd; Hansen, Jr; Hansen, Ph; Nilsson, Bs; Rensch, B; Waananen, A; Daskalakis, G; Kyriakis, A; Markou, C; Simopoulou, E; Siotis, I; Vayaki, A; Blondel, A; Bonneaud, G; Brient, Jc; Rouge, A; Rumpf, H; Swynghedauw, M; Verderi, M; Videau, H; Focardi, E; Parrini, G; Zachariadou, K; Cavanaugh, R; Corden, M; Georgiopoulos, C; Antonelli, A; Bencivenni, G; Bologna, G; Bossi, F; Campana, P; Capon, G; Cerutti, F; Chiarella, V; Laurelli, P; Mannocchi, G; Murtas, F; Murtas, Gp; Passalacqua, L; Pepe Altarelli, M; Curtis, L; Lynch, Jg; Negus, P; O'Shea, V; Raine, C; Teixeira Dias, P; Thompson, As; Buchmuller, O; Dhamotharan, S; Geweniger, C; Hanke, P; Hansper, G; Hepp, V; Kluge, Ee; Putzer, A; Sommer, J; Tittel, K; Werner, S; Wunsch, M; Beuselinck, R; Binnie, Dm; Cameron, W; Dornan, Pj; Girone, M; Goodsir, S; Martin, Eb; Marinelli, N; Sedgbeer, Jk; Spagnolo, P; Thomson, E; Williams, Md; Ghete, Vm; Girtler, P; Kneringer, E; Kuhn, D; Rudolph, G; Betteridge, Ap; Bowdery, Ck; Buck, Pg; Colrain, P; Crawford, G; Finch, Aj; Foster, F; Hughes, G; Jones, Rwl; Robertson, Na; Williams, Mi; Giehl, I; Hoffmann, C; Jakobs, K; Kleinknecht, K; Quast, G; Renk, B; Rohne, E; Sander, Hg; van Gemmeren, P; Wachsmuth, H; Zeitnitz, C; Aubert, Jj; Benchouk, C; Bonissent, A; Carr, J; Coyle, P; Etienne, F; Motsch, F; Payre, P; Talby, M; Thulasidas, M; Aleppo, M; Antonelli, M; Ragusa, F; Berlich, R; Buscher, V; Dietl, H; Ganis, G; Huttmann, K; Lutjens, G; Mannert, C; Manner, W; Moser, Hg; Schael, S; Settles, R; Seywerd, H; Stenzel, H; Wiedenmann, W; Wolf, G; Azzurri, P; Boucrot, J; Callot, O; Chen, S; Cordier, A; Davier, M; Duflot, L; Grivaz, Jf; Heusse, P; Hocker, A; Jacholkowska, A; Kim, Dw; Le Diberder, F; Lefrancois, J; Lutz, Am; Schune, Mh; Veillet, Jj; Videau, I; Zerwas, D; Bagliesi, G; Bettarini, S; Boccali, T; Bozzi, C; Calderini, G; Dell'Orso, R; Ferrante, I; Foa, L; Giassi, A; Gregorio, A; Ligabue, Franco; Lusiani, Alberto; Marrocchesi, Ps; Messineo, A; Palla, F; Rizzo, G; Sanguinetti, G; Sciaba, A; Sguazzoni, G; Tenchini, R; Vannini, C; Venturi, A; Verdini, Pg; Blair, Ga; Cowan, G; Green, Mg; Medcalf, T; Strong, Ja; von Wimmersperg Toeller, Jh; Botterill, Dr; Clifft, Rw; Edgecock, Tr; Norton, Pr; Thompson, Jc; Bloch Devaux, B; Colas, P; Emery, S; Kozanecki, W; Lancon, E; Lemaire, Mc; Locci, E; Perez, P; Rander, J; Renardy, Jf; Roussarie, A; Schuller, Jp; Schwindling, J; Trabelsi, A; Vallage, B; Black, Sn; Dann, Jh; Johnson, Rp; Kim, Hy; Konstantinidis, N; Litke, Am; Mcneil, Ma; Taylor, G; Booth, Cn; Cartwright, S; Combley, F; Kelly, Ms; Lehto, M; Thompson, Lf; Affholderbach, K; Bohrer, A; Brandt, S; Grupen, C; Prange, G; Giannini, G; Gobbo, B; Rothberg, J; Wasserbaech, S; Armstrong, Sr; Charles, E; Elmer, P; Ferguson, Dps; Gao, Y; Gonzalez, S; Greening, Tc; Hayes, Oj; Hu, H; Jin, S; Mcnamara, Pa; Nachtman, Jm; Nielsen, J; Orejudos, W; Pan, Yb; Saadi, Y; Scott, Ij; Walsh, J; Wu, Sl; Wu, X; Zobernig, G.
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