Sfoglia per Fisica
Size and specimen-dependent strategy for x-ray micro-ct and tem correlative analysis of nervous system samples
2017 Parlanti, P.; Cappello, V.; Brun, F.; Tromba, G.; Rigolio, R.; Tonazzini, I.; Cecchini, M.; Piazza, V.; Gemmi, M.
Sliding naturalness: cosmological selection of the weak scale
2022 D'Agnolo, Raffaele Tito; Teresi, Daniele
Sliding Naturalness: New Solution to the Strong-CP and Electroweak-Hierarchy Problems
2022 D'Agnolo, Raffaele Tito; Teresi, Daniele
SLIM5 beam test results for thin striplet detector and fast readout beam telescope
2010 Vitale, L; Bruschi, M; Di Sipio, R; Fabbri, L; Giacobbe, B; Gabrielli, A; Giorgi, F; Pellegrini, G; Sbarra, C; Semprini, N; Spighi, R; Valentinetti, S; Villa, M; Zoccoli, A; Avanzini, C; Batignani, G; Bettarini, S; Bosi, F; Calderini, G; Ceccanti, M; Cenci, R; Cervelli, A; Crescioli, F; Dell'Orso, M; Forti, F; Giannetti, P; Giorgi, Ma; Lusiani, Alberto; Gregucci, S; Mammini, P; Marchiori, G; Massa, M; Morsani, F; Neri, N; Paoloni, E; Piendibene, M; Profeti, A; Rizzo, G; Sartori, L; Walsh, J; Yurtsev, E; Manghisoni, M; Re, V; Traversi, G; Andreoli, C; Gaioni, L; Pozzati, E; Ratti, L; Speziali, V; Gamba, D; Giraudo, G; Mereu, P; Dalla Betta, Gf; Soncini, G; Fontana, G; Bomben, M; Bosisio, L; Cristaudo, P; Giacomini, G; Jugovaz, D; Lanceri, L; Rashevskaya, I; Venier, G.
Slow Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Open Quantum Systems
2017 Cavina, Vasco; Mari, Andrea; Giovannetti, Vittorio
Slow group velocity and Cherenkov radiation
2001 Carusotto, I; Artoni, M; LA ROCCA, Giuseppe Carlo; Bassani, F.
A small and vigorous black hole in the early Universe
2024 Maiolino, Roberto; Scholtz, J.; Witstok, J.; Carniani, Stefano; D’Eugenio, Francesco; de Graaff, A.; Übler, H.; Tacchella, Sandro; Curtis-Lake, E.; Arribas, S.; Bunker, A.; Charlot, S.; Chevallard, J.; Curti, Mirko; Looser, T. J.; Maseda, M. V.; Rawle, T. D.; del Pino, Bruno Rodríguez; Willott, C. J.; Egami, E.; Eisenstein, D. J.; Hainline, K. N.; Robertson, B.; Williams, C. C.; Willmer, C. N. A.; Baker, W. M.; Boyett, K.; Decoursey, C.; Fabian, A. C.; Helton, Jakob M.; Zhiyuan, Ji; Jones, Gareth C.; Kumari, N.; Laporte, N.; Nelson, E. J.; Perna, Marianna; Sandles, L.; Shivaei, I.; Sun, F.
Small superconducting grain in the canonical ensemble
1998 Mastellone, A; Falci, G; Fazio, Rosario
SMILE : Search for MIlli-LEnses
2021 Casadio, C.; Blinov, D.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Browne, I. W. A.; Wilkinson, P. N.; Hovatta, T.; Mandarakas, N.; Pavlidou, V.; Tassis, K.; Vedantham, H. K.; Zensus, J. A.; Diamantopoulos, V.; Dolapsaki, K. E.; Gkimisi, K.; Kalaitzidakis, G.; Mastorakis, M.; Nikolaou, K.; Ntormousi, E.; Pelgrims, V.; Psarras, K.
Snowmass white paper: the cosmological bootstrap
2024 Baumann, Daniel; Green, Daniel; Joyce, Austin; Pajer, Enrico; Leite Pimentel, Guilherme; Sleight, Charlotte; Taronna, Massimo
Soft elasticity and microstructure in smectic C elastomers
2007 Adams, James; Conti, Sergio; De Simone, Antonio
Soft excitations and broken-symmetry states in bilayer quantum Hall ferromagnets
2004 Luin, Stefano; Pellegrini, V; Pinczuk, A; Dennis, Bs; Pfeiffer, Ln; West, Kw
Solar Cell Manufacturing: As-cut mc-Si Wafers Discrimination Using Magnetotransport, Optical and Lifetime Measurements
2010 V., Parra Garcia; M., Amado; C., Sánchez Fabrés; E., Diez; V., Bellani; F., Dionigi; Rossella, Francesco; J. M., Caridad; Y. M., Meziani; J., Gutiérrez; T., Del Caño
Solid-state quantum communication with Josephson arrays
2005 Romito, A; Fazio, Rosario; Bruder, C.
A Solution of Gaussian Optimizer Conjecture for Quantum Channels
2014 Giovannetti, Vittorio; Holevo, A. S.; García Patrón, R.
Solving the Hierarchy Problem at Reheating with a Large Number of Degrees of Freedom
2016 Arkani-Hamed, Nima; Cohen, Timothy; D'Agnolo, Raffaele Tito; Hook, Anson; Kim, Hyung Do; Pinner, David
Solving the U(1) problem of QCD: new computational strategies and results
2017 Ce', Marco
Some Pathways in non-Linear Supersymmetry: Special Geometry Born-Infeld's, Cosmology and dualities
2015 Ferrara, S.; Sagnotti, Augusto
Some Properties of Open-String Theories (TOPCITE: 139 citazioni su SPIRES HEP)
1995 Sagnotti, Augusto
Some Properties of Vector Multiplets in Six-Dimensional Supergravity
1998 Riccioni, F; Sagnotti, Augusto
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