Sfoglia per Matematica e Informatica
Econometric techniques for forecasting financial time series in discrete time
2019 Cattivelli, Luca
Economic sector identification in a set of stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange
2007 Coronnello, C; Tumminello, M; Lillo, Fabrizio; Micciche, S; Mantegna, R. N.
Econophysics and the challenge of efficiency
2009 Lillo, Fabrizio
EDB - Exercises database
In corso di stampa Mennucci, Andrea Carlo Giuseppe
Edge modification criteria for enhancing the communicability of digraphs
2016 Arrigo, Francesca; Benzi, Michele
Editorial: Spatially Embedded Complex Networks
2013 Strano, E; Zanin, M; Estrada, E; Lillo, Fabrizio
The effect of the pandemic on complex socio-economic systems: community detection induced by communicability
2023 Clemente, Gian Paolo; Grassi, Rosanna; Rizzini, Giorgio
An effective criterion for periodicity of ℓ-adic continued fractions
2018 Capuano, L.; Veneziano, F.; Zannier, U.
Effective potentials generated by field interaction in the quasi-classical limit
2017 Correggi, Michele; Falconi, Marco
An effective “Theorem of André” for CM-points on a plane curve
2012 Bilu, Yuri; Masser, David; Zannier, Umberto
Effects of boundary curvature on surface superconductivity
2016 Correggi, Michele; Rougerie, Nicolas
Effects of eye and face shape on perception of masculinity, attractiveness, and age
2003 Cellerino, Alessandro; Bartoletti, A; Mennucci, Andrea Carlo Giuseppe
Effects of memory on spreading processes in non-Markovian temporal networks
2019 Williams, Oliver E; Lillo, Fabrizio; Latora, Vito
The effects of vent location, event scale, and time forecasts on pyroclastic density current hazard maps at campi flegrei caldera (Italy)
2017 Bevilacqua, Andrea; Neri, Augusto; Bisson, Marina; Esposti Ongaro, Tomaso; Flandoli, Franco; Isaia, Roberto; Rosi, Mauro; Vitale, Stefano
Efficiency and instabilities of financial markets
2017 Calcagnile, Lucio Maria
Efficiency of the Moscow Stock Exchange before 2022
2022 Shternshis, Andrey; Mazzarisi, Piero; Marmi, Stefano
An Efficient Block Rational Krylov Solver for Sylvester Equations with Adaptive Pole Selection
2024 Casulli, Angelo Alberto; Robol, L.
Efficient cyclic reduction for QBDs with rank structured blocks
2016 Dario, A. Bini; Massei, Stefano; Robol, Leonardo
An efficient DP algorithm on a tree-structure for finite horizon optimal control problems
2019 Alla, Alessandro; Falcone, Maurizio; Saluzzi, Luca
An efficient geometric method for incompressible hydrodynamics on the sphere
2023 Viviani, Milo; Cifani, Paolo; Modin, Klas
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