Sfoglia per Scienze politico-sociali
Fornire conoscenze alla deliberazione : il ruolo degli esperti
2013 Pellizzoni, Luigi; Zanetti, Chiara
Forze e debolezze del sistema innovativo italiano
1993 D., Archibugi; R., Evangelista; Pianta, M
A fragile shield for protecting civil rights : The European Union in the eyes of Italian feminists
2020 Chironi, Daniela
Framing (de)politicization in deliberative arenas
2018 Pellizzoni, Luigi
Framing and social movements
2023 Caiani, Manuela
Framing Asylum at the Local Level : Experts’ Narratives of Conflictual Dynamics in the Post-Reception Period in Italy
2024 Dimitriadis, Iraklis; Ambrosini, Maurizio
Framing health and care: legacies and innovation during the pandemic
2024 Della Porta, Donatella; Lavizzari, Anna
The framing of secessionism in the neo-liberal crisis: the Scottish and Catalan cases. In C. Closa, C. Margiotta, G. Martinico (eds.) Between Democracy and Law: The Amorality of Secession. Basingstoke: Routledge.
2019 Della Porta, Donatella Alessandra
Framing-Prozesse in der Klimabewegung: Von Klimawandel zur klimagerechtichkeiten
2013 Della Porta, Donatella Alessandra; Louisa, Parks
From another Europe to beyond Europe? Visions of Europe in movements
2022 Della Porta, Donatella Alessandra
From Border to Border: Refugee Solidarity Activism in Italy Across Space, Time, and Practices
2018 Zamponi, Lorenzo
From corporatist union to protest unions? On the (difficult) relations between organizad labour and new social movements
2006 Della Porta, Donatella Alessandra
From data extraction to data leaking: Data-activism in Italian and Spanish anti-corruption campaigns
2017 Mattoni, Alice
From Disaster Solidarity to "Multicultural Conviviality". Risks and Opportunities for Migrants in Japan after the Great Hanshin Earthquake
From hammer and sickle to star and crescent : the question of religion for European identity and a political Europe
2009 Challand, Benoit Guy Francois
From Hammer and Sickle to Star and Crescent. The Question of Religion for European Identity and a Political Europe
2010 Challand, B
From national to sectoral industrial relations: Developments in sectoral industrial relations in the EU
2011 Bechter, Barbara; Brandl, Bernd; Meardi, Guglielmo Giuseppe Maria
From opposition leader to Prime Minister : Giorgia Meloni and women's issues in the Italian radical right
2023 De Giorgi, E; Cavalieri, A; Feo, F
From protest to production: enlarging the boundaries of social movements in crisis-ridden Greece
2018 Malamidis, Theocharis
From Self-Management to Institutionalization and Back. Feminist Health Centers in Italy between the 1970s and today
2024 Barone, Anastasia
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