Sfoglia per Filosofia
'Aurora' rinascimentale, 'sole' illuministico
2012 Ciliberto, Michele
Author Response: Alfredo Ferrarin, University of Pisa
2020 Ferrarin, Alfredo
Authoritarianism and academic freedom in neoliberal Turkey
2021 Dogan, Sevgi; Selenica, Ervjola
2013 Ciliberto, Michele
Autocoscienza, riferimento dell'io e conoscenza di sé: Introduzione ad un dibattito contemporaneo
1992 Ferrarin, Alfredo
Autodénaturation et semina virtutum: la Servitude volontaire entre liberté et déterminisme
2014 Panichi, Nicola
«Autonomia del politico» e «autonomia del sociale». Trascendenza e immanenza in Negri e Laclau
2017 Zaru, E
Avere potere su se stesse : politica e femminilità in Mary Wollstonecraft
2020 Cossutta, Carlotta
“Averroes against Avicenna on Human Spontaneous Generation: The Starting-Point of an Enduring Debate”
2013 Bertolacci, Amos
Averroes ubique Avicennam persequitur: Albert the Great’s Approach to the Physics of the Šifāʾ in the Light of Averroes’ Criticisms
2018 Bertolacci, Amos
Averroès, Commentaire Moyen sur le De Interpretatione, Introduction, traduction et notes par Ali Benmakhlouf et Stéphane Diebler, Paris, J. Vrin 2000
2004 Bertolacci, Amos
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā), Book of the Cure, Categories (al-Maqūlāt), Part I: Introduction and Translation
2019 Caminada, Niccolo'
Avicenna against Porphyry’s Definition of Differentia Specifica
2015 DI VINCENZO, Silvia
Avicenna and Averroes on the Proof of God’s Existence and the Subject-Matter of Metaphysics
2007 Bertolacci, Amos
Avicenna's Isagoge, Chap. I, 12, De Universalibus: Some Observations on the Latin Translation
2012 DI VINCENZO, Silvia
Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ (Book of the Cure/Healing): The Manuscripts Preserved in Turkey and Their Significance
2018 Bertolacci, Amos
Avicenna's reworking of Porphyry's 'common accident' in the light of Aristotle's Categories
2016 Di Vincenzo, Silvia
Avicenna, Book of the Healing, Isagoge (“Madḫal”) : edition of the Arabic text, English translation and Commentary
2018 Di Vincenzo, Silvia
Avicenna, The healing, Logic : a new edition, english translation and commentary of the Kitāb al-Madḫal of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ
2021 Di Vincenzo, Silvia
“Avicenna’s and Averroes’ Interpretations and Their Influence in Albert the Great”
2014 Bertolacci, Amos
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