Scuola Normale Superiore
(Re)Reading the Notion of Ideology: Luxemburg and Gramsci
2021 Dogan, Sevgi
[Recensione a] Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism: Race, Class, Gender, and the Dialectics of Liberation, Kevin B. Anderson, Kieran Durkin, Heather A. Brown (eds.), Palgrave, 2021.
2023 Dogan, Sevgi
A critical investigation on the problem of the individual in Hegel and Marx’s philosophy
2014 Doğan, Sevgi
A Gramscian Reading : The Attack on Women's Freedom and their Role in Establishing Peace and Security in Illiberal Democracies
2022 Dogan, Sevgi
Academic freedom between past and present: the birth of one-dimensional academia in Turkey
2023 Dogan, Sevgi
An introduction to National Fundings for Scientific Research in Italy
2022 Dogan, Sevgi
An overview of academic freedom in Turkey : re-thinking theory and praxis
2017 Dogan, Sevgi
Analyzing authoritarianism and democracy through academic freedom in Turkey
2021 Dogan, Sevgi
Antropolojide Tarih ve Teori
2020 Dogan, Sevgi
Authoritarianism and academic freedom in neoliberal Turkey
2021 Dogan, Sevgi; Selenica, Ervjola
Can we talk about national philosophies? An overview through Bertrando Spaventa's thought
2019 Dogan, Sevgi
Enver Orman: Hegel'in Mutlak İdealizmi (Hegel's Absolute Idealism)
2016 Dogan, Sevgi
Felsefi Bir İnceleme: Aşkın Sonsuz Gücü (A Philosophical Investigation: Absolute Power of Love)
2015 Dogan, Sevgi
Gramsci: Violence within Revolutionary Hegemony “Combat or Death: bloody struggle or extinction.”
2023 Dogan, Sevgi
Hegel Adina Bir Savunma
2013 Dogan, Sevgi
Hegel'in Felsefesinde İrade ve Demokrasi İlişkisi (The relationship between will and democracy in Hegel's philosophy)
2016 Dogan, Sevgi
Hegel’in Mutlak İdealizmi (Absolute Idealism of Hegel) by Enver Orman
2015 Dogan, Sevgi
Hey Marx! Can’t live… Without You
2011 Dogan, Sevgi
Higher education in Turkey : academic freedom and resistance
2022 Dogan, Sevgi
Humanism in Italian Political Thought: Machiavelli, Gramsci and Ciliberto (Italyan Siyasal Düşüncesinde Hümanizm: Machiavelli, Gramsci ve Ciliberto)
2017 Dogan, Sevgi