Classe di Scienze politico-sociali
"We won’t pay for the crisis": student movements in European anti-austerity protest
2019 Zamponi, Lorenzo
#ioricordo, Beyond the Genoa G8: Social Practices of Memory Work and the Digital Remembrance of Contentious Pasts in Italy
2020 Zamponi, Lorenzo
(Water) bottles and (street) barricades : the politicisation of lifestyle-centred action in youth climate strike participation
2022 Zamponi, Lorenzo; Baukloh, Anja Corinne; Bertuzzi, Niccolò; Chironi, Daniela; della Porta, Donatella; Portos Garcia, Martín
Andrea Hajek, Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe. The Case of Italy, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp.232
2014 Zamponi, Lorenzo
Breaks and continuities in and between cycles of protest. Memories and legacies of the global justice movement in the context of anti-austerity mobilisations
2014 Zamponi, Lorenzo; Daphi, Priska
Challenging precarity, austerity and delocalisation: Italian labour struggles from Euro-criticism to Euro-disenchantment
2020 Zamponi, Lorenzo
Collective memory and social movements
2013 Zamponi, Lorenzo
Collective memory and Social Movements
2022 Zamponi, Lorenzo
Comunicare l’identità di classe. La stampa sindacale a Treviso 1952-1960
2007 Zamponi, Lorenzo
Contentious Labour in Italy and Greece: Movements and Trade Unions in Times of Precarity and Austerity
2017 Zamponi, Lorenzo; Vogiatzoglou, Markos
Convergence in action: framing the climate crisis at the 2021 Pre-COP counter-summit in Milan
2024 Cugnata, Giuseppe; Cuel, Jessica; Bertuzzi, Niccolò; Parks, Louisa; Zamponi, Lorenzo
Crisis, Labour and Education: Media Discourse and Anti-Austerity Protest in Italy
2018 Zamponi, Lorenzo
Demonstrations, Organizing
2014 Milan, Stefania; Zamponi, Lorenzo
Direct Social Action
2022 Bosi, Lorenzo; Zamponi, Lorenzo
Direct Social Action, Welfare Retrenchment and Political Identities. Coping with the Crisis and Pursuing Change in Italy
2019 Zamponi, Lorenzo
Direct social actions and economic crisis : the relationship between forms of action and socio-economic con-text in Italy
2015 Bosi, Lorenzo; Zamponi, Lorenzo
Discarding protests? Relating crisis experience to approval of protests among activists and bystanders
2019 Cristancho, Camilo; Uba, Katrin; Zamponi, Lorenzo
Dissenting youth: how student and youth struggles helped shape anti-austerity mobilisations in Southern Europe
2016 Zamponi, Lorenzo; Fernández González, Joseba
Exploring the Movement-Memory Nexus: Insights and Ways Forward
2019 Daphi, Priska; Zamponi, Lorenzo
From Border to Border: Refugee Solidarity Activism in Italy Across Space, Time, and Practices
2018 Zamponi, Lorenzo