Sfoglia per Scienze politico-sociali
N. Conti e F. Marangoni, The Challenge of Coalition Government: The Italian Case
2015 Pinto, Luca
A nahda of charitable organizations? : health service provision and the politics of aid in Palestine
2008 Challand, Benoit Guy Francois
Nar Filmi Üzerine: Sevginin Rengi, Vicdanın Sesi (Film Nar: The Colour of Love, The Voice of Conscience)
2015 Dogan, Sevgi
Narrating European society : toward a sociology of European integration
2016 Trenz, Hans-Jörg
The Nation and the Radical Left : radical left parties and national identity in Portugal, Spain and Italy
2022 Custodi, Jacopo
The nation of the people : an analysis of Podemos and Five Star Movement's discourse on the nation
2023 Custodi, Jacopo; Padoan, Enrico
Nationalism and Populism in Radical Right Discourses in Italy and Germany
2017 Caiani, Manuela; Kroel, Patricia
Nationalism and populism on the left : the case of Podemos
2021 Custodi, Jacopo
“Nationalism, Populism and the ri-birth of nationhood in Europe”
2018 Caiani, Manuela
Nationality Beyond the Nation-State? The Search for Autonomy in Abdullah Öcalan and Otto Bauer
2024 Ventura, Francesco; Custodi, Jacopo
Natura o tecnica? : Sars-Cov-2, nuovi materialismi e critica dell’Antropocene
2022 Pellizzoni, Luigi
Natura, buen vivir e razionalità neoliberale
2014 Pellizzoni, Luigi
Nature, limits and form-of-life
2021 Pellizzoni, Luigi
Navigating between ‘friends’ and ‘foes’: the coalition building and networking of Italian interest groups
2018 Pritoni, Andrea
Navigating Ethnicity: Collective Identities and Movement Framing in Deeply Divided Societies
2022 Milan, C.
Negotiating Greece. Layering, insulation, and the design of adjustment programs in the Eurozone
2016 Moschella, Manuela
Negotiating the public : re-municipalization, water politics and social reproduction
2024 Gasseau, Gemma
Neo-bonapartismo e democrazia radicale. La scienza politica di Gramsci e la crisi contemporanea dei sistemi politici
2014 Caruso, Loris
Neo-fascist mobilization in contemporary Italy Ideology and repertoire of action of CasaPound Italia
2015 Froio, Caterina; CASTELLI GATTINARA DI ZUBIENA, Pietro
Neoliberalism and technoscience : critical assessments
2012 Pellizzoni, Luigi; Ylönen, M.
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