Classe di Scienze politico-sociali
Beyond Europe: Alternative visions of Europe amongst young activists in self-managed spaces in Italy
2020 Milan, C.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: from workers’ strike to social uprising
2018 Milan, Chiara
Bringing Care in: The Meaning of Care in Refugee Solidarity Movements
2024 Milan, Chiara
Claiming rights. Mobilization of youth of migrant descent for access to citizenship rights in Italy
2022 Milan, Chiara
Contemporary Urban Commons. Rebuilding the analytical framework
2021 Caciagli, C.; Milan, C.
Emotions in action: the role of emotions in refugee solidarity activism
2023 Milan, Chiara
Emotions that mobilise: the emotional basis of pro-asylum seekers activism in Austria
2018 Milan, Chiara
Fighting gentrification from the boxing ring: how community gyms reclaim the right to the city
2021 Milan, Chiara; Milan, Stefania
Grassroots European solidarity : Italian solidarity movements in the Western Balkans in the 1990s and 2020s and their visions of Europe
2023 Milan, Chiara; Chiodi, Luisa
Interwoven destinies in the ‘long migration summer’: Solidarity movements along the Western Balkan route
2018 Milan, Chiara; Pirro, Andrea L. P.
Involving communities as skilled learners: The STRAP (Sharing, Translation, Relevance, Accountability, Power) framework
2016 Milan, Chiara; Milan, Stefania
Missing the Forest for the Trees: From Single-Issue Protest to Resonant Mass Movements in Greece, Turkey, and Bosnia-Herzegovina
2018 Milan, Chiara; Oikonomakis, Leonidas
Navigating Ethnicity: Collective Identities and Movement Framing in Deeply Divided Societies
2022 Milan, C.
Rebelling Against Time: Recreational Activism as Political Practice Among the Italian Precarious Youth
2019 Milan, Chiara
Refugee solidarity activism in times of pandemic: reorganizing solidarity practices at the EU border
2024 Milan, Chiara
Refugees at the Gates of the EU: Civic Initiatives and Grassroots Responses to the Refugee Crisis along the Western Balkans Route
2018 Milan, Chiara
Reshaping Citizenship through Collective Action: Performative and Prefigurative Practices in the 2013–2014 Cycle of Contention in Bosnia & Hercegovina
2017 Milan, Chiara
Resisting the Backlash: Street Protest in Italy
2022 Della Porta, Donatella Alessandra; Zamponi, Lorenzo; Portos, Martin; Chironi, Daniela; Milan, Chiara; Bertuzzi, Niccolò
Rising against the “thieves” : Anti-corruption campaigns in the Western Balkans
2017 Milan, Chiara
Social mobilization beyond ethnicity. Civic activism and grassroots movements in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020 Milan, Chiara