Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.662
EU - Europa 10.138
AS - Asia 2.971
SA - Sud America 93
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 73
OC - Oceania 15
AF - Africa 8
Totale 25.960
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.604
IT - Italia 2.731
SE - Svezia 2.236
IE - Irlanda 1.649
TR - Turchia 1.049
CN - Cina 1.012
UA - Ucraina 943
DE - Germania 939
SG - Singapore 705
GB - Regno Unito 593
FI - Finlandia 343
CH - Svizzera 241
RU - Federazione Russa 165
BE - Belgio 98
BR - Brasile 74
EU - Europa 64
IN - India 53
CA - Canada 51
FR - Francia 49
KR - Corea 28
NL - Olanda 25
IR - Iran 23
JP - Giappone 17
DK - Danimarca 16
ID - Indonesia 16
PK - Pakistan 12
RO - Romania 12
VN - Vietnam 12
AU - Australia 11
AT - Austria 10
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 9
ES - Italia 9
MD - Moldavia 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
GR - Grecia 7
IL - Israele 7
MY - Malesia 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
NO - Norvegia 6
PL - Polonia 6
CL - Cile 5
LT - Lituania 5
PE - Perù 5
AL - Albania 4
HR - Croazia 4
HU - Ungheria 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
RS - Serbia 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
EG - Egitto 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LI - Liechtenstein 3
MX - Messico 3
PT - Portogallo 3
AM - Armenia 2
AR - Argentina 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
CO - Colombia 2
EE - Estonia 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MK - Macedonia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BH - Bahrain 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EC - Ecuador 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
HN - Honduras 1
JO - Giordania 1
KE - Kenya 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
OM - Oman 1
PH - Filippine 1
PY - Paraguay 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 25.960
Città #
Jacksonville 2.183
Chandler 2.057
Pisa 1.940
Dublin 1.649
Boardman 1.187
Wilmington 836
Izmir 805
Ashburn 691
Ann Arbor 621
Singapore 520
Düsseldorf 464
Boston 435
Millbury 429
Mestre 304
San Mateo 292
Ogden 249
Lawrence 241
Istanbul 239
New York 229
Bern 223
Seattle 151
Washington 144
San Paolo di Civitate 135
Woodbridge 135
Beijing 131
Dearborn 106
Princeton 99
Brussels 95
Guangzhou 84
Bremen 82
Santa Clara 72
Helsinki 69
Saint Petersburg 68
Scuola 60
Nanjing 54
Los Angeles 52
Shanghai 52
Padova 46
Milan 45
Wuhan 40
Hefei 38
Andover 37
Fairfield 35
Kunming 35
Las Vegas 32
Toronto 32
Norwalk 30
Seoul 26
Houston 23
Edinburgh 22
Jinan 22
Munich 21
Shenyang 21
Jiaxing 20
Tappahannock 19
Chicago 18
Nanchang 18
Chennai 17
Frankfurt am Main 17
Shenzhen 17
Stockholm 17
Jakarta 15
London 15
São Paulo 15
Wuxi 14
Chengdu 13
Serra 13
San Francisco 12
Tokyo 12
Verona 12
Bientina 11
Cambridge 11
Clearwater 10
Hanover 10
Jinhua 10
Vienna 10
Yiwu 10
Amsterdam 9
Florence 9
Fuzhou 9
Paris 9
San Diego 9
Zanjan 9
Auburn Hills 8
Chisinau 8
Dalian 8
Delhi 8
Lausanne 8
Leawood 8
Phoenix 8
Sacramento 8
Zhengzhou 8
Zurich 8
Dong Ket 7
Kuala Lumpur 7
Quanzhou 7
Baotou 6
Chongqing 6
Hangzhou 6
Hebei 6
Totale 18.203
Nome #
Andreev levels spectroscopy of topological three-terminal junctions 171
Magnetic thermal switch for heat management at the nanoscale 141
Phase diagram of the extended Bose–Hubbard model 140
Separation of heat and charge currents for boosted thermoelectric conversion 138
Local quantum thermal susceptibility 135
Theory of integer quantum Hall polaritons in graphene 135
The XYZ chain with Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya interactions: from spin–orbit-coupled lattice bosons to interacting Kitaev chains 133
Magnetic crystals and helical liquids in alkaline-earth fermionic gases 131
Dissipation in adiabatic quantum computers: lessons from an exactly solvable model 130
Thermoelectric properties of an interacting quantum dot based heat engine 130
Thermopower of three-terminal topological superconducting systems 128
Laughlin-like States in Bosonic and Fermionic Atomic Synthetic Ladders 127
Steady-state phase diagram of a driven QED-cavity array with cross-Kerr nonlinearities 126
Finite-frequency noise in a topological superconducting wire 125
Dissipative topological superconductors in number-conserving systems 125
Unconstrained tree tensor network: An adaptive gauge picture for enhanced performance 124
Geometric quantum pumping in the presence of dissipation 124
Phase diagram of a QED-cavity array coupled via a N-type level scheme 123
All-optical non-Markovian stroboscopic quantum simulator 123
Tailoring Josephson coupling through superconductivity-induced nonequilibrium 121
Adiabatic dynamics in a spin-1 chain with uniaxial single-spin anisotropy 120
4e-condensation in a fully frustrated Josephson junction diamond chain 120
Mesoscopic supercurrent transistor controlled by nonequilibrium cooling 120
Many-body localization and thermalization in the full probability distribution function of observables 119
Towards an Electronic Interferometer based on Spin-Resolved Quantum Hall Edge States 119
Stabilizing strongly correlated photon fluids with non-Markovian reservoirs 119
Decoherence induced by interacting quantum spin baths 118
Nanoscale Mach-Zehnder interferometer with spin-resolved quantum Hall edge states 118
Dissipation, correlation and lags in heat engines 118
Adiabatic dynamics of a quantum critical system coupled to an environment: Scaling and kinetic equation approaches 117
Quantum breathing of an impurity in a one-dimensional bath of interacting bosons 117
Landau cooling in metal-semiconductor nanostructures 117
Decoherence by engineered quantum baths 117
Adiabatic pumping through a quantum dot with coulomb interactions: A perturbation expansion in the tunnel coupling 116
The quantum optical Josephson interferometer 116
Efficiency of quantum controlled non-Markovian thermalization 116
Ferromagnetic resonant tunneling diodes as spin polarimeters 116
Photon transport in a dissipative chain of nonlinear cavities 115
Floquet theory of Cooper pair pumping 114
Cooling electrons by magnetic-field tuning of Andreev reflection 114
Energy transport between two integrable spin chains 114
Topological Fractional Pumping with Alkaline-Earth-Like Atoms in Synthetic Lattices 114
Detecting two-­site spin-­entanglement in many-­body systems with local particle­-number fluctuations 113
Nonequilibrium fluctuations in quantum heat engines: theory, example, and possible solid state experiments 113
Thermoelectric efficiency of three-terminal quantum thermal machines 112
Localized Majorana-Like Modes in a Number-Conserving Setting: An Exactly Solvable Model 112
Coherent Detection of Electron Dephasing 110
Anderson localization of entangled photons in an integrated quantum walk 110
Influence of interface transmissivity and inelastic scattering on the electronic entropy and specific heat of diffusive superconductor-normal metal-superconductor Josephson junctions 109
Scaling of entanglement close to a quantum phase transition 108
Out­-of­-equilibrium dynamics and thermalization of string order 108
The power of a critical heat engine 108
Entanglement production in chaotic quantum dots subject to spin-orbit coupling 107
Nonequilibrium spin-dependent phenomena in (mesoscopic) superconductor-normal metal tunnel nanostructures 107
Speeding up and slowing down the relaxation of a qubit by optimal control 107
A scheme for entanglement extraction from a solid 106
Counting statistics for entangled electrons 106
Adiabatic quenches through an extended quantum critical region 106
Aharonov-Bohm-type oscillations of thermopower in a quantum-dot ring geometry 106
Velocity-modulation control of electron-wave propagation in graphene 106
Coulomb-interaction effects in full counting statistics of a quantum-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer 105
Spatially resolved analysis of edge-channel equilibration in quantum Hall circuits 105
Ultraefficient cooling in ferromagnet-superconductor microrefrigerators 104
Quantum relative positioning in Hilbert space 104
Characterizing electron entanglement in multiterminal mesoscopic conductors 104
Quantum Multiscale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz Channels 104
Majorana Quasiparticles Protected by Z2 Angular Momentum Conservation 104
Ultralow dissipation Josephson transistor 104
Entanglement in many-body systems 103
Evidence of two-electron tunneling interference in Nb/InAs junctions 103
Steady-state entanglement activation in optomechanical cavities 103
Adiabatic quantum dynamics of a random Ising chain across its quantum critical point 102
Entanglement of electrons field-emitted from a superconductor 102
Shot noise for resonant Cooper pair tunneling 102
Suppression of the Fano factor in nanoelectromechanical systems 101
Generating topological order from a two-dimensional cluster state using a duality mapping 101
Mutual information as an order parameter for quantum synchronization 101
Shortcut to adiabaticity in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model 101
Cluster Mean-Field Approach to the Steady-State Phase Diagram of Dissipative Spin Systems 101
Josephson current through a Luttinger liquid 100
Zeno subspaces for coupled superconducting qubits 100
Josephson current in Nb/InAs/Nb highly transmissive ballistic junctions 100
Huge nonequilibrium magnetoresistance in hybrid superconducting spin valves 100
Opposite of a superconductor 99
Characterizing electron entanglement in multi-mode mesoscopic conductors 99
Active suppression of dephasing in Josephson-junction qubits 99
Homogeneous binary trees as ground states of quantum critical Hamiltonians 99
Robustness of optimal working points for non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation 99
Phase diagram of incoherently driven strongly correlated photonic lattices 99
Topological pumping in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard chain 99
Thermodynamic and spectral properties of ultrasmall superconducting grains 98
Macroscopic entanglement in Josephson nanocircuits 98
Flux noise near the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition 98
Andreev interference in adiabatic pumping 98
Stiffness in 1D matrix product states with periodic boundary conditions 98
Critical behavior of dissipative two-dimensional spin lattices 98
Complexity of controlling quantum many-body dynamics 98
Totale 11.233
Categoria #
all - tutte 119.792
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 119.792

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.404 0 0 0 0 0 105 529 115 294 43 307 11
2020/20213.506 306 22 626 20 301 293 212 297 281 639 200 309
2021/20222.294 227 15 28 114 143 13 39 206 133 279 20 1.077
2022/20238.770 597 616 382 589 533 787 8 2.362 2.516 41 157 182
2023/20242.670 436 78 310 59 110 569 101 88 295 126 147 351
2024/20252.552 321 140 393 475 1.090 133 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 26.407